fit-ology >>> holistic ADHD coaching

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fit-ology >>> holistic ADHD coaching

Our Booking PolicyIf you're booking a phone call, I will call you at the number you list here; if you choose video, you'll receive the link in your confirmation message.



Strong Start Call

. Duration:15 mins·

Coaching Session - Phone

. Duration:45 mins·

Coaching - Video Call  

. Duration:45 mins·

Group Call  

. Duration:1 hr

Open Office  

. Duration:45 mins

Strength Hub 1:1 Coaching  

. Duration:45 mins·

Group Call


Strength Hub Group Call  

. Duration:45 mins

Open Office  

. Duration:30 mins

Spark Session  

. Duration:30 mins·


Hey, I’m Jessica!  I’m a mom, wife and realistic optimist at heart. I’m also a dancer, lifelong learner, meditator, athlete, teacher, connector, organizer, science nerd, guide, and voracious reader (but not one page of fiction). I have a very busy brain of my own and even on my most distracted days, I wouldn’t change it for the world.

My coaching blends all my previous experience and training. recruitment, development, dance, health coaching and parenting. I use a holistic approach to help you:

👉 Understand your patterns, and reinforce or restructure them if needed.
👉 Get a grip on your real strengths and build on them so that you feel competent, confident and proud of your differently-wired mind.
👉 Take a break from the constant shame cycle, to enjoy life’s perfect imperfection.
👉 Declare your space, your style and your way of thinking as valid and worthy even in the face of challenge.

Learn more at